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Pres Bill Brasil

WOW can mean many things as a function of how it is expressed and/or how it is used.

For example:

INFORMAL exclamation

  1. expressing astonishment or admiration. "“Wow!” We won Log Jam this weekend they all cried enthusiastically"


  1. a sensational success. "your win at Log Jam's a wow"


  1. impress and excite (someone) greatly. "the Windansea Surf Club Comp Team, led by, Mir wowed the crowd at Log Jam this weekend"

And Now, WOW is an acronym for, Women of Windansea, which started as a wonderful idea from the equally wonderful mind of Club VP, Robin de Jourday, into an organization within our organization that includes the Wonderful Women of Windansea, young and older, but still young at heart, along with women from our Windansea community who hail from all over the globe.

So, I can Now say WOW, our Windansea Surf Club Comp Team Director, and WOW member, Miranda Joseph led us to Victory at Log Jam this weekend. Thus far this year, the amazing Mir has led the Comp Team to a second place at The "Big, Bad & Ugly" at Moro Bay, a second place at, "Gathering of The Tribes" held at Churches and Now Wow a first place finish in Santa Cruz for Log Jam.

WOW........... Do you know what that means? It Means that our very own, WOW member and Comp Team Director has Windansea in first place in the 2022 Coalition of Surf Clubs standings.

WOW, I am impressed

WOW, those women of WOW are Badass

WOW, Miranda Joseph is an amazing ambassador of the Club, an ambassador of Aloha, and WOW, she is an amazing warrior of WOW!

WOW, I'm starting to believe that Greek Mythology may be true and that the race of warlike women noted for their surfing skills, courage, and pride, who lived at the outer limits of the known world, sometimes specifically mentioned as the city of Windansea on the Sea of Windansea, may in reality, be members of WOW!


Sir Willim Fitzmaurice aka Bill Brasil


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