It seems so crazy that the for first half of the year, the world, including the Windansea Surf Club, was mired in the quicksand of COVID-19 and nothing was moving, we were all literally and figuratively at a standstill.
Now, fast forward to today and even with the threat of the COVID Variants, it seems that humanity is moving ahead at a break neck pace!
In front of us we have:
- The Menehune Contest on October 2nd. Menehune Director, Chip Hasley and his core Menehune crew, made up of Harold Reid, Chris Nyhan, Robin de Jourday, Marnie Cheney, Mike Perrault and last but certainly not least, the one and only Pyratt Billy Bottin, have done an amazing job this year pulling together what will be, a most epic Menehune event.

We still need as many volunteers as possible and I would encourage everyone who is able to come to the general meeting this Wednesday, Sept 22nd at the VFW beginning at 6PM to sign up to help. There is much to do so please consider this an "All Hands On Deck" situation. We need help with setup, manning and womanning the grill, with Beach Marshalling, Judging, registration, teardown and more.
- We have the PB Coalition Contest at Tourmaline on Oct 2nd - Oct 3rd. As usual, Starman has put together a wrecking crew of a comp team, and if you want to put your competition hat on and compete, again please show up at this Wednesday's meeting and circle up with Star.
Even if you aren't part of the comp team, please come down and support your team. Our club was founded and forged as a competitive club, an
d it means a lot to Team Windansea to know that we all have their backs!
- November 6th - 7th The Windansea Surf Club is hosting its own Coalition Contest down at La Jolla Shores. I don't need to tell you, but I will anyway, that we will defend our turf down to the last grom, and there is no way that we will lose! If you are not on the comp team, there is still much to do and we need your help hosting our first contest in three years. We need help getting sponsors, and support from all of you to help us get "Goody Bags" filled with cool stuff. If some of you would like to donate your brand new Tesla or Ferrari for our raffle, we will happily accept your generosity.
- December the 11th. The Windansea Surf Club will be helping the La Jolla Chapter of the Kiwanis Club run the world famous Kiwanis La Jolla Half Marathon race. As many of you know, we have been developing a strategic and symbiotic relationship with The La Jolla Kiwanis, and they are counting on us, the greatest club and family in the world, to help them this year and into the future with this race, as well as the Kiwanis Cove Swim, formerly known as the Rough Water Swim!
By helping us support Kiwanis, you are supporting the Windansea Surf Club. There will be many jobs, one of which is helping run the water station down at La Jolla Shores and help with gear check before the race and handing it all back at the finish line.
We need from Windansea, 30 - 40 volunteers and your Board of Directors will keep you posted when it's time to sign-up.
- For certain we will have a Fall Classic, and the La Jolla Christmas parade on Dec 5th, this year under the directorship of Bill Decker, The Christmas Party probably on Dec 1l, and of course to end the year, the Ted Smith Memorial Classic.
Please come to the general meeting this Wednesday the 22nd. We will meet at the VFW at 853 Turquois Street beginning at 6PM and yes Pizza will be served along with brand new videos of Comp Team Windansea from the recent Coalition Contest at Oceanside thanks to Mike Perrault.
See you then and there!
Mahalo and Aloha
Bill Brasil