The Summer solstice is rapidly approaching and for all intent and purpose, and from the looks of our beaches summer has arrived.
The water is already warm, the surf has been pretty darned good and with the early South Swells it almost like Fall.
A Few Updates:
Unfortunately, for all parties and everyone concerned, the latest victim of COVID-19 are all three of our Day At The Beach events.
These include:
YStrong Girls which would have been this past Saturday, June 13th.
Special Surfers which was on the calendar for Saturday July 25th.
Father Joe’s Villages which was calendared for Saturday August 22nd
After much debate and deliberation it was determined by all, that it would be impossible to have these special and signature Windansea Surf Club events.
We will plan for an exceptional return in 2021!
Menehune Contest
2021 Director, Chip Hasley and your Board of Directors have determined that we may be able to have the Menehune Contest, which is on the calendar this year on Oct 3rd.
There a number of factors involved, not the least being whether or not the City and County of San Diego will allow us to move forward.
Because we have three months and change to plan we just might be able to pull this off! We all hope so and of course will keep you in the loop!
One of the long standing traditions is the Menehune Art Contest, and unless I am mistaken we are leaning on keeping this alive for 2020. So Groms, please sharpen your colored pencils and stock up on art supplies and we will be hearing from Chip shortly.
General Meetings
The Board is going to find a way to, once again, have meetings.
Until there is a vaccine or a cure for COVID, these meetings will need to be held in the great outdoors.
Venues could include Windansea, Kate Sessions Park, Draper Street(Starkey) Park, someone’s back yard etc.
If any of you have any suggestions please feel free to let us know.
Please keep your eyes and ears opened because we may be planning one soon as in very soon.
Underground Triple Crown – Spring Classic
Sssshhhhhhhhh! Keep this quiet, but there’s a big South coming this weekend!!
Hope to see you all soon, and in the meantime, surf and be merry and spread Aloha.
Mahalo and Aloha