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Slide Into Summer

Pres Bill Brasil

It seems hard to believe that Winter is long behind us, we are well into Spring, the water temp is inching its way up, and is now a balmy 62.5 Degrees Fahrenheit and in two short months, it will be summer.

Summer, is that special time of the year where we have the opportunity to really enjoy, in the words of Ozstar de Jourday, "Our Natural Waterpark". It is our time, to gather as a tribe, to bath and dance our special and spiritual dance in the Pacific's warm waters.

It is the time we celebrate our incredible lives, our incredible kids, our amazing families along with our equally amazing and special Windansea family, and family of friends.

It is that special time of the year where we create and paint memories that we carry with us throughout our lives, and our children carry with them throughout theirs, and so on and so forth.

Four our youth, It's the time for that quintessential moment, that "right of passage". A first best barrel on a first best big South, first best independent free time with friends with not a care in the world, and perhaps, a first best kiss with a best first love.

For those in-between youth and retired senior surfer, it's that time where even during the work week we try and leave our monetary endeavors behind and get to Windansea as fast and as expeditiously as we can, to get a session in before the sun leaves us and is replaced by a warm summer night.

For us Senior "Aloha Gladiators", another Star-ism!, summer is a time to enjoy the years we have accumulated, a time to remember our youth, our rights of passage our first best waves, our first best of everything, our past and now our present and pray that there are many more summers of surf and quantum entanglement for years to come.

Then long at last at the official end of summer will come what we all call, "Locals Summer". That time when our kids are back in school, the tourists and hopefully the new breed of "COVID" surfers have all gone home, and we have our beaches and our waves to ourselves. The days are still long, the water is still warm, the surf is still jammin from true South, and the days are delicious.

During this wonderful time of the year, days morph into afternoon, then later still, the sun begins to set and takes its final bow punctuated with a Green Flash that always leaves an indelible image in our minds. Yet even with the sun now down we will continue to chill and grill and gather around Foster Thompson's or Nate Jernigan's firepit or BBQ and swap tales, fantastic food and summer stories.

Then hopefully the next day, and the day after, and the day after that, more of the same.

Summer is also time to celebrate our past, and remember our fallen brothers and sisters. To recall when we were sharing waves with Tom Ortner, Bill Andrews, Chris O'Rourke, Ted Smith, Kevin Cincotta, Brud McGowen, Chloe Buckley, Mark Scales, Eric Hauser, Eric Shaw, David Eggers, Juan Gamboa, Mike Chicon, Mike Crouteau, Bear Merandan, Jeff Junkins, Scott Pidd and so many others who are gone but never forgotten.

They will all be in our hearts and their spirits with us every time we paddle out!

Summer stuff, and some important and actually amazing announcements.

Remembering Butch

As you may or may not be aware, there has recently been published, a biography on Butch Van Artsdalen, one of the original and most iconic members of The Windansea Surf Club.

Our past Club President extraordinaire, Tifani "Van Artsdalen" Swink, has some words she would like to share regarding "Remembering Butch" the biography of her dad, Butch Van Artsdalen.

" Aloha WindanSea Surf Club! Kelly Reid and myself are proud to announce and endorse the recently published biography on our father, 'Remembering Butch: The Butch Van Artsdalen Story by Douglas Cavanaugh. It has been a privilege to be of service to the best surf club in the world. Please share this incredible book with us and remember all the love and and deep soulful history. Love Tifani Swink Former President of WSC"

Let's all support this biography with our hearts and dollars and buy a copy for ourselves, and anyone that would like to learn and lose themselves in the true history of the Windansea Surf Club with one of its true heroes at center stage! DG Wills Books will be hosting the Author, Douglas Cavanaugh, for a book signing on Sunday, June 13th at 2PM. Let's make this a celebration of Butch, his legacy and his family.

Keili McEvilly - Mount Everest

Yes, you read this correctly, and talk about "girl power"!

Windansea Surf Club member, Keili McEvilly, of the royal and power surf family, The McEvillys, has set her sights on a new challenge, climbing the bottom half of the most deadly and tallest peak in the world, Mount Everest!

Shredding Windansea, or any break in the world she desires just isn't enough of an adrenaline rush for Keili and has decided that a more worthy challenge is Mount Everest.

This epic adventure is taking place this month, this year, as in May 2021, and I believe that I speak for all of us, that our thoughts and prayers will be with Keili and we all wish her a safe climb and an equally safe return home. I also think it's safe to say that we would love Keili to come to a Club meeting armed with videos and images and share every detail of this incredible journey upon her safe return.

To the best of my knowledge I think that this is a first for any Club member. It would not surprise me if Keili's next adventure will be to run for President of the Untied States of America. Then, when she is done with that small task she can take on her biggest challenge in life and be President of the Club!

General Meeting

The La Jolla Christian Fellowship(LCF) once again, is kindly allowing us use of their facilities for a general meeting. The meeting will take place this fine month of May on the 13th and will begin at 6:00PM. LCF is located on the corner of Genter Street and Draper. Please come wearing a mask.

Pizza and water will be served. And the one and only Mike Perrault will be there with his incredible videos!


Coalition Series

The only Coalition event that is now officially on the 2021 calendar is being hosted by The Oceanside Long Board Surfing Club this August.

We will all have a better understanding of where the Coalition Series is headed after June 15th when Governor Newsome is expected to lighted up COVID restrictions mid-June. We will of course keep you informed.

Underground Triple Crown Classics

Once the above restrictions have been lifted, The Classics will go from full stealth to back to....... we take over the lot and the lineup!


If things keep going in the direction they appear to be going, it would seem that there is an excellent chance that we will be able to host the world famous Menehune contest for 2021.

West Coast Board Riders

According to Chuck Davey and Cordon Baesel as of now things are still sketchy and no word if the series will continue in 2021.

Community Service Events

Day At The Beach

Not saying we are 100% a no go but we are not all that optimistic that we can host these signature events and stay within the guidelines the State, and County of San Diego are demanding in order to issue permits. The Board will keep everyone informed and up to speed as we hear from the powers in charge. If we are unable to pull together and host DATB in 2021we will plan for a strong comeback in 2022.

Signature Brown Family Beach Cleanups along with Third Annual Perrault Family and Windansea Surf Club Street and Gutter Cleanup?

You betcha, one hundred percent

Paddle outs

It is tragic, sad and unfortunately inevitable, that in life, especially a life well lived and loved, that it will one day come to an end.

Sometime this summer, we will be celebrating the lives of our now heavenly family members.

-Eric Hauser - Eric Shaw - Dawn Moore

- Scott Pidd

It's a wrap

Rather than end this message on a sad note, I will end it on a personal one and simply say how much each and everyone of you have meant to me and continue to mean to me on this life long quest of surf, family, community and friends. If I died penniless tomorrow I would die the wealthiest man alive because you, are my friends and my family.

I hope to see you all on the 13th!

Bill Brasil


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