To one and all, I come bearing good news! The Windansea Surf Club has its own shuttle bus.
I have long thought that The Club needed a Bus for a variety of reasons and uses to include, but not limited to, transporting the comp team, community service events, the Christmas Parade, etc.
With a little TLC it will be in wonderful operational shape ready to take on any of these challenges and more.
The bus is a donation from a fellow surfer and Co-CEO of a software company. He was introduced to me by his co-worker and Club member, Scot Eggers.
At the last board meeting your Board of Directors approved the gift and the rest, as they say, is history.
Although it did pass smog and is registered through the remainder of the year, as mentioned it needs a small amount of work and if any of you have any suggestions regarding storage please let us know.
There are going to be so many wonderful things we will be able to do, and one of them, perhaps, is to turn our new acquisition into an “Art” project. A tasteful “Art” project.
The bus is all white, and to me looks like a fresh canvas just waiting for an inspired artist(s) to step forward and get busy.
We would love to hear from you with your thoughts and ideas.
We could have big bold Windansea Surf Club logos all over or ………………………………………….. just use your imagination!
General Meeting
We are finally and really going to have a Zoom general meeting. As mentioned in an earlier message, your President did not Zoom very well and my first attempt failed miserably. Subsequently, I have been to Zoom University and have a much better grasp on Zooming.
So, on Thursday, October 8th at 6:30PM, we will have our first Windansea Surf Club Zoom Meeting!
This time around, It should be easy peaszy lemon squeezy to join.
Just click on this link: and it should take you directly to the meeting. If you and others are early to the meeting then feel free to mingle. You may be prompted to use a meeting ID and if so it is: 886 9143 4285.
You can join using your laptop/computer and if it has a camera you can be seen by all if you so desire. Most of you are probably pretty Zoom Savvy but for those who are not the link will take you to our dedicated Zoom Room and you can use your computer audio and video to join and communicate.
The link to any Club meetings in the future will be always be the same!
Special Thanks
I would like to thank Chip Hasley for his Herculean effort in trying to keep The Menehune Contest alive this year. He fought a valiant battle till the bitter end but unfortunately the battle, not the war, was lost to COVID for 2020. Thank you Chip!
I would also like thank Club member Scot Cherry for attending the last board meeting to address his concerns and vision for the future of, Day At The Beach. Scot brought up a number of issues that he felt were problematic, along with thoughts and ideas for future events..
The Fires
There are, perhaps, many club members that have been affected by the recent fires that have inflicted so much damage to California, Oregon and Washington State. For those of you who have been impacted, our hearts go out to you, to your families, neighbors and friends.
I know that Past Club President, Tiffany Swink and her awesome husband Phil requested and received much welcomed assistance from Kit and Julie Kantner and others. It is truly wonderful when members of our community step up to the plate help take care of other members of our family in need. Taking care of our Windansea Ohana is at the core of our principals and underlies why we chose, when called upon, to be part of this crazy, eclectic, sometimes dysfunctional, hard charging, community of service minded and surfcentric individuals.
If there is anything that the Club can do to assist any of you out there in need as a result of these god awful fires please let us know!
A better 2021
We can only hope that next year will be better in every way possible. At this point we can only pray that in the New Year, we will be able to trade waves of COVID for waves to surf. We pray that once again we can gather with the other Coalition Tribes for tourneys and companionship. We are always there to win, but just being able to circle up with our brothers and sisters South of the boarder to all the way up North to Santa Cruz is always a win in its own Windansea wonderful way. And who doesn’t miss Santa Cruz, camping at the church and Ozstar’s Spaghetti dinner with its trifecta of lamb, sausage and lobster cooked to perfection with all of us are huddled together tent to tent and BBQ to BBQ.
And we can only pray that we will be able to host our three, Day At The Beach events that bring so much joy to those whom we serve. How awesome is it arriving early in the morning and setting up our village for the day with the amazing volunteers who come to support the kids. What better way to spend the day then with our Ohana celebrating kids who have never surfed and feasting with these young chargers. I pray that in 2021 we will be able to celebrate kids through Day At The Beach.
For now, I think that’s a wrap.
Get wet, get surf and stay stoked and see you all on Oct 1st.
Bill “Brasil” Fitzmaurice