Aloha Mighty Windansea Surf Club,
This weekend, Nov 12th and 13th at La Jolla Shores, the WSC is hosting a longboard and shortboard competition.
Saturday, November 12th heats start at 7AM and end appx 3:00 PM-depending on entries
Sunday, November 13th heats start at 7AM and end at 1:00PM-depending on entries.
If you want to surf in a heat, please contact Miranda Joseph at (805)459-6549
Marnie Cheney is heading up the raffle table with lots of fun raffle prizes and two new boards will be raffled off. Thank you Penelope Nagel and Ethan Shaw for one of the boards and Phil Rajzman and Ozstar De Jourday for the other board and thank you Marnie for heading up the Raffle table.
We will have yummy Taco Surf burritos arriving around 11:00 am Saturday AND Sunday.
Gladly accepting any donations too!!
Like our community service events, it is our obligation to volunteer at our Club events and show our surfing community what WSC stoke and Aloha is all about.
That being said, the Competition Committee made a spreadsheet of all volunteer opportunities, come for an hour or stay for the whole day!
Please open the spreadsheet and sign up for your position and see you Saturday and/or Sunday. If you have any questions, please call me or text me at 858-583-3011.
Saturday: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1fcePS6LAZyfiIeAJoIdDcTzkvbdkqw4jHgWmwqMU43E/edit#gid=0
Sunday: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1JC4IO8_xvqwrizSqEGPRoyerETTPlNegHpJAYA18Et0/edit#gid=0
Yours truly,
Robin De Jourday