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La Jolla Kiwanis Cove Swim 2022- Windansea Surf Club Paddlers Rock The Cove and Scripps Pier!

Pres Bill Brasil

Updated: Sep 14, 2022

Image of a handfull of our core paddle team that supported San Diego Lifeguards in the back of Chris Nyhans dump truck. Mark Ruyle looks yoked and look at that Crispy Kreme Halo above us all!

On this past Sunday, Sept 11 2022, the La Jolla Chapter of Kiwanis International successfully ran The La Jolla Cove Swim, the successor to the infamous, La Jolla Rough Water Swim.

Roughly 500 swimmers gathered, from all over the globe, to compete in this year's, one and three mile tourneys, and during every race, Windansea Surf Club paddlers were there to keep competetors safe and on course!

A special thanks to all who volunteered their time this past Sunday!

First and foremost, thank you Chris Nyhan, who not only paddled, but provided transportation for many of the Club volunteers from The Methodist Church to The Cove and back to the church,(See above image). I think Chris Nyhan's Club name should be "Anytime Chris", because anytime you ask him to volunteer, he never let's the Club down!

Thank you in no special order:

Chuck Davey

Cadu Viella

Jackie Fitzmaurice

Chip Hasley

Cal Hoar - Club Applicant

Ben Coulange

Jim Neri

Nick Torres

Steve Sullaway

Mark Feigen

Foster Thomson

Mark Ruyle

Sam Armstrong

Bill Fitzmaurice

And Last, but denfinatley not least, Jason Tuschen

I also want to thank Penelope Nagel, who got two of her long distance swimming friends, Jen and Kai Anderson, to volunteer with the Club.

Thank you:

Jen Anderson

Kai Anderson

All in all, we had a really good showing, and next year I hope that we can double our ranks.

Again, thank all of you for your dedication to The Club, to surfing, to building a positive image and for supporting our communitees and organizations that support the needs of kids!

Kiwanis member and Cove Swim organizer, Judy Halter, has invited all of the above volunteers to a, thank you celebration.

Please see details below:

Thank you for all your hard work on the 2022 LJ Cove Swim !! Please join us for cocktails and appetizers to celebrate YOU!!

Please forward this on to the beach crew and paddlers on your teams and have them rsvp to Barbara

Thursday September 15 at 6:30pm-8:30 PM

Please rsvp by 9/12/22 to

The Kyrillos Home

6423 Camino de la Costa

La Jolla, CA 92037


Judy Adams Halter

Chair of The La Jolla Cove Swim



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