April 16th is almost upon us, when thousands will come from all four corners of the globe to compete in the 40th running of the world famous Kiwanis - La Jolla Half Marathon.
The Windansea Surf Club owns Water Station No 9, situated down at La Jolla Shores, and we need your help to run it. We will meet at 6AM the day of the race and be on hand to pass out water until 11AM.
Club Vice President, Robin de Jourday, and yours truly, will be this year's Water Station Co-Captains.
Please see the link below, to sign up as a volunteer.
Just open the link, scroll down to water stations and keep scrolling until you come to Windansea Surf Club, station 9, then click on the "Volunteer" button and follow the instructions:
If tending to the thirsty needs of the runners, is not your cup of tea, there are plenty of other jobs that need volunteers as well. Just open up the same link, and you will see lots and lots of other assignments that you can volunteer for on both Friday, the day before the race, and Saturday, the day of!
If you are an early bird and want to get your volunteer on at in the wee hours of the morning, there are jobs that start at 4AM and are done by 5:30AM.
There is a job, and a time that will probably work for most everyone's schedules.
Why are we doing this?
Because Kiwanis La Jolla and Kiwanis International Is Dedicated To Improving The Lives Of Children One Community At A Time. Kids Need Kiwanis. Making A Difference. Serving The Children. And if kids need Kiwanis, kids also needs the Windansea Surf Club to volunteer.
Because Kiwanis La Jolla, https://kiwanisclublajolla.org/about-us/ helps The Windansea Surf Club.
Because Kiwanis La Jolla needs our help!
See you race day!!
Aloha and Mahalo,
Sir William Fitzmaurice aka Bill Brasil