Greetings, Happy Valentine’s Day and dare I say, Happy Presidents Day to one and all.
It has been some time since my last post, and I would like to take this opportunity to provide you with as comprehensive an update as possible.
The Year Behind Us
This past year seemed surreal, like a crazy dream that kept going and going and going, in which we as individuals, a club, a community, a nation and the world, would never wake up and the dream would keep going and get crazier with every passing moment.
So much transpired between Jan 1, 2020 and Jan 1, 2021 that it really is hard to comprehend.
COVID-19, the damage and collateral damage that it caused, pre-election craziness and divisiveness followed by the election and post-election craziness and divisiveness to include insurrection and impeachment, officing at home and homes being turned into online classrooms, and everything else that turned our lives upside down or in the words of a dear friend of mine from The South, “Cattywhompus”. My God, it is astonishing and amazing that any of us has a stitch of sanity left!
But at the end of the day, or in this case the year, we are all, still here. And in the words of our own Ozstar de Jourday, we still have the best “outdoor natural waterpark” to call our backyard, Windansea that keeps us sane.
Thank God for Windansea and thank God for all of you who are a part of our incredible and utterly amazing community. You, all of us, and surf is what kept us alive, kept us going, kept us from going crazy and throwing in the towel. Thank you Windansea!
Despite the challenges we faced, The Windansea Surf Club didn’t just sit idly by and let COVID or politics paralyze us.
Many of our members were engaged in and caught red handed performing acts of kindness and good deeds along with great surfing. Many examples of which you can read about in past posts, but to name a few ……
Ozstar de Jourday and his beautiful wife, Robin, Queen of Aloha, helped a neighbor by organizing a paddle out for his wonderful wife who had recently passed away.
Sandie Ordille, cooked and delivered meals for elderly and sick neighbors in need who were impacted by COVID.
The Brown family organized and carried out a beach cleanups.
The Perraults organized the 2nd Annual Windansea Surf Club Perrault Family Street and Gutter Cleanup with the help of Sean Lang and his company, Storm Water Solutions and numerous Club members.

Ozstar de Jourday, with the help of Chuck Davey and the undisputed Queen of Aloha, Robin de Jourday, organized and held the 9th Annual Ted Smith Memorial Underground Triple Crown Windansea Classic. Starman, Chuck and Robin, in less than perfect conditions, made it a perfect event. Robin de Jourday made 100 sandwiches to feed famished participants. I’m thinking from now on along with the Ted Smith Classic we have the Robin de Jourday Queen of Aloha One Hundred Sandwich Challenge. I mean come on, anyone can ride 100 waves but making 100 sandwiches for hungry and hangry surfers…. That’s a challenge!

The Windansea Surf Club and its Board collaborated with The Walter Munk Foundation this past year on a float for the 2020 La Jolla Christmas Parade. We won Most Original Float!

All the Windansea Moms and Dads with school aged kids who took up the challenge to become home school educators.
There were many more who stepped up to the plate and demonstrated the incredible spirit, resiliency, and kindness of our Club.
Thank you, each and every one of you for all that you have done and continue selflessly to do.
The Year Ahead of Us
So where are we and how is the Club.
The Club thus far, has weathered the storms of 2020 and early 2021, and we most certainly will survive. In fact, we will do much better than survive, we will thrive!
As soon as the world shifts back to whatever the new normal is or will be, The Windansea Surf Club will adapt and forge ahead as we always have.
The Board still meets every month and has done so throughout the pandemic. We did have a Zoom General meeting that was not that well attended. I Realized that Zooming is not nearly as much fun as when we gather together, so in March, or at the latest in April, we are planning to have our first, in person general meeting in a year. Different venues are being discussed and as soon as we determine a best location, we will let everyone know.
Club and Board Member, Chuck Davey likens where are to it being late Wednesday afternoon, or the latter half of “Hump” day in the week. Now that vaccines are rolling out, the weekend and fun times are in plain sight, but we are not quite there yet.
So, what is in store for our 2021 contest season and community service events.
Coalition Contests
In what used to be a “normal” year we would be gearing up for the ten tourneys that make up the Coalition of Surf Clubs competition season. The first contest, The Big, The Bad & The Ugly, would be at the end of this month, hosted by the Awesome and full of Aloha spirit, Estero Bay Surf Club.
Unfortunately, not only is this kickoff contest not going to happen, but the entire Coalition season may also be put on hold until 2022.
This is a function of how quickly California gets vaccinated and whether or not any of the Coalition members, including Windansea, can get permits from the cities and counties in which we reside allowing us to have our respective contests.
Board Riders
It would seem likely that the fate of the 2021 West Coast Board Riders Series will be determined also at a later date. Again, obtaining permits is the deciding factor.
Menehune Contest
The Menehune Contest for Groms, 16 and under, might a different story. Because the Menehune is held each year in October, way in the distant future, we are hopeful that the City of San Diego will allow us to host this epic event that dates back to 1965. The Board is on top of this, and we will let everyone know well in advance whether we are green light or red light.
Underground Triple Crown Classics
The Classics traditionally, have been held beginning in Spring and run always to the last day of the year when we hold the Ted Smith Memorial in honor of our fallen brother. We are cautiously optimistic that by summer of this year we will be able to continue with these awesome events.
Day At The Beach
Much like all our competition series, DATB is at the mercy of the City and County of San Diego with regards to whether we are granted permits. Even if we are allowed to host our signature events but are required to “Social Distance” and wear masks, that might very well be a showstopper. As all of you know, pushing kids into waves is literally hands on, and if we are required to stay 6 ft. away that might not work. We will pray to the Surf Gods and hope for the best!
Beach, Street and Gutter Clean-ups
It is safe to say we will be able to organize and continue to host these highly visible community service events.
La Jolla Christmas Parade & Party
Due to COVID, the 2020 La Jolla Christmas Parade was a reverse of what we normally do. There were floats, including as mentioned above, one from Windansea that was a collaborative effort between the Windansea Surf Club and the Walter Munk Foundation. However, for 2020, the floats remained stationary and the onlookers were able to drive by and view the floats from their vehicle. The board had originally decided not to participate in last year’s parade due to that fact that we could not have skaters or a gathering of our tribe. At the last minute, Mary Munk contacted the Board and asked if we could do a collaborative float and well….. kind of hard not saying yes to Mary.
For the 2021, we are optimistic that we will be able to participate in a normal parade with skaters and riders with our new shuttle bus in full Christmas trim!
Likewise, we are equally optimistic that we will be able to have a proper Christmas party. Sadly, it will not be at the Crab Catcher as alas, they lost their lease and after decades were forced to shutter their doors. So, as we approach the holiday season if anyone has a suggestion for a party venue please pass it along to the board for consideration.
Fund Raising
COVID has absolutely hurt all non for profits ability to raise charitable dollars, including the Windansea Surf Club.
The La Jolla Kiwanis is not at all certain if they will be able to obtain a permit for their world famous La Jolla Half Marathon. This is their main fundraising event that our Club will absolutely support with volunteers. The mission statement of Kiwanis is to help kids globally one community at a time. We are aligning ourselves to support the La Jolla Chapter as much as possible primarily because of the wonderful way they touch the lives of so many kids. Additionally, for our efforts in supporting the race, we will be able to apply annually for a Kiwanis grant, that will support our worthy endeavors.
Kiwanis now also has the La Jolla Cove Swim, formerly the La Jolla Rough Water Swim. For as long as I can remember the Windansea Surf Club has played an integral role working with San Diego Lifeguards to provide water safety not to mention providing Joe Ropers famous fish tacos to swimmers, community members and tourists alike. Hopefully, Kiwanis will be able to make this happen in 2021.
If any of you know a corporate or angel donor that would like to support our most worthwhile organization, please help us with a warm introduction and assist us in securing much needed charitable dollars. Remember, all charitable donations can be used as a tax write off against individual and corporate tax returns.
Additionally, we are aligning ourselves with the Walter Munk Foundation. With our participation in various foundation events, we will be introduced to many philanthropists, some of whom will like what we do and hopefully support us with dollars and who knows perhaps Bitcoin!
Lastly, our new/old Ford shuttle bus needs some repair. The board is going to approach all the local Ford Dealerships to see if they would be willing to assist us with parts and labor in return for some amazing Windansea Surf Club PR, goodwill and corporate tax write off.
New Members – Congratulations to our newest club members, all of whom successfully made it through probationary membership with flying colors and are now full-fledged members of our Tribe.
- Ben and Charly Coulange
- Cortez Jernigan
- Jackie Fitzmaurice
- Phil Rajzman
- Shaun Donovan
COVID VACINATION – Available for Windansea Surf Club members and members of the Windansea community that are 65 years and older.
Past President of Kiwanis La Jolla, Bart Calame and his wife Antoanella Calame MD, are offering vaccinations to our membership. If you, or someone you know who is either a club member or part of our beach and surf community and would like to get the COVID-19 vaccine, please reach out to me either by email , or my cell (858) 336-5975.
This is a fantastic opportunity that I personally have taken advantage of and I would encourage anyone who is eligible and would like to get the vaccine to connect with me as soon as possible.
In the meantime, please stay safe, stay healthy and stay surfing.
My best to all of you, your family, and your family of friends,
Bill “Brasil”