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General Meeting and Nominations

Pres Bill Brasil


Please come to the October General Meeting, which will be held at the La Jolla Christian Fellowship, AKA The Surf Church, on Thursday the 28th starting at 6PM.

The address is, the corner of Draper and Genter Street.

Pizza, and world famous Mike Perrault surf videos will be served to feed our hearts, souls, brains and tummys!


Please read-on for a message from Election Director, North Shore Mike Lovell and Club Secretary, Jeff Morrow!

Hello Windansea Surf Club Members! Mark you calendars! We are preparing for our annual club Nominations Night for the 2022 WSC Board Members, carried out at the November General meeting (November 24th 6pm, VFW Post 5985, 853 Turquoise Street, Pacific Beach, San Diego) We hope everyone will participate in the elections this year! Your vote counts! Please be sure your club dues are current for 2021 in order to vote. Dues will have to be current by nomination night (November 24th 6:30pm). If you paid dues in 2020 you are current through 2021 (Covid relief membership). As a reminder we do have our October General Meeting on Thursday the 28th, 6pm at the Christian Fellowship Church (corner of Draper and Genter) look forward to seeing everyone there! Have a great week! Jeff Morrow & Mike Lovell

Yes indeed, have a great week, and look forward to seeing you all at the General Meeting.

Bill Brasil Fitzmaurice


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