I am happy beyond words to announce, that long at last, The Windansea Surf Club will have an in person General Meeting.

Due to the pandemic It has been about a year since our Tribe has been able to gather and bath in the warmth of each other's company, and it is high time to put an end to this prolonged separation.
Your hard working Board of Directors has found a venue for us to congregate, gather, cluster, huddle up, circle up, throng together, come together and celebrate our incredible lives, our incredible community and our incredible Windansea family.
The La Jolla Christian Fellowship is kindly making available their outside seating area for our Club. The first WSC general meeting since March of 2020 is now scheduled for Thursday, March 25th at 6PM. The address is 627 Genter Street which is located on the South West corner of Genter and Draper streets.
So come one, come all, bring your smiles, bring your hugs, from a distance of course, and bring your fist bumps, elbow bumps and foot bumps! Come celebrate with your Windansea Family and swap stories, tall tales, wave tales and more!!
Just remember, we are not out of the woods or should I say the impact zone yet, so please bring your mask.
Can't wait to see you all in thirteen short days.
Warmest regards,
Bill Brasil