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August Update

Pres Bill Brasil

To begin, I hope that each and every one of you, your families and your family of friends are all healthy, well and safe. In our current reality I say this more as a prayer, than an opening remark or greeting!

Most, if not all of us, imagined that the worst of this pandemic would be behind us, and our lives returned to a safe and comfortable normal. That the Windansea Surf Club would be in full swing with our normal hectic and frenetic calendar packed with contests and community service events. Unfortunately, this is far from the reality in which we find ourselves, and the worst may in fact, be before us.

Covid-19 has not just danced and skirted around our homes, beaches and community, it has arrived, with many of our kids and adults testing positive. Much like a horror novel or movie where you know the killer or phantom is out there but you can’t quite see or feel it, then turn the page or fast forward to the next scene,  you are now face to face with your worst nightmare. Unfortunately, for all of us who occupy this planet, this isn’t a scene in a scary movie it’s very real and beyond scary!

How has this impacted the Club.

Community Service

As most if not all of you are aware, our signature community service Day At The Beach events have been postponed until we are allowed to safely make physical contact with those whose lives we wish to bring joy to thru surfing and kindness. When will this be? Your guess is as good as mine, but hopefully by summer of 2021. Early into the pandemic, Exceptional Athletes, Special Olympics and Father Joe’s Villages informed us that they had cancelled all of their respective summer programs due to COVID. This was mentioned in an earlier post. Additionally, the City has cancelled our permits at least thru August and more than likely for the remainder of the year. Sadly, this past Saturday, July 25th, would have been our twentieth consecutive year of DATB for Special Surfers and this August 22nd would have marked our 35 year with Father Joe’s Village kids. Sad beyond words.

The few remaining community service events have been and will continue to be for one, beach clean-ups, thanks  to Mike Brown and his family. We did recently, help a member of our Windansea Tribe, celebrate their milestone sixtieth Birthday by providing a protective escort while swimming from Big Rock to La Jolla Shores. Happy Birthday Laura Newberry McDonald.

I would also like to give a really big shout out to our community service minded club member and East Coast Surfing Hall of Famer, Sandy Ordille, who on her own has been preparing meals for elderly neighbors and those in need. Sandy, you have always had a big and beautiful heart, which is one of the many reasons we love you!


Our competition season, has likewise suffered. It is safe to say that all surf contests, Coalition and otherwise, have already been or will soon be cancelled. At the July WSC Board meeting, it was determined that our Coalition contest, to be held in November, would be next to impossible to plan and execute safely, and as such, will not be happen in 2021.

All Coalition Clubs, up and down the coast have voluntarily or been forced to cancel their contest. By now we would have already competed in, and of course won, Logjam, Santa Cruz and Call To The Wall,  all of which, fell victim to COVID. Oceanside MSA, PB and probably Swamis, have likewise cancelled their tourneys, and with so much uncertainty we were compelled by a higher force to follow suit.

Menehune Director, Chip Hasley successfully held, and just finished the world famous Menehune Art Contest. This year’s contest had an unprecedented number of talented young artists submit their artwork and I am told that the votes for first, second and third place have been tallied and the winners will be announced in due course. The fate of the actual contest is uncertain at best. Just like any contest or community service event, Menehune will be next to impossible to pull off, and as mentioned above, it is doubtful that the City will even allow us to move forward. That being said even in the face of COVID, fearless Chip has not given up hope and has come up with some novel ideas on how we might be able to have a scaled down version of the contest. The Club, and the surfing community are all fortunate to have Chip’s passion, energy and creativity in keeping the dream alive! Chip and the Board will keep you posted.

So where does that leave us. What lies ahead with so much uncertainty?

At the August board meeting there was discussion on ways that we can continue our tradition of giving back to the many communities we impact and being counted and counted on as a valuable member(s). We agreed that if we are aware of anyone in need, that we would do our best to lend a hand. Essentially, a community outreach program for those who are having a rough go of it. Some folks, especially the elderly just need a visit and someone to talk to, even if it’s at a safe distance. Some may need financial aid or help getting food and we pool all of our collective resources we can be there to help. As mentioned above, Sandy Ordille has started her own outreach and we would love to hear from you with ideas and suggestions.

We are still working with Kiwanis La Jolla, to assist them with their La Jolla Half Marathon, scheduled for May 2021. The race proceeds all go to charities and causes that benefit kids on both sides of the border. Last year Kiwanis La Jolla provided The Windansea Surf Club with a $5,000.00 grant to help us with the Menehune Contest. Next year we will apply for grants that benefit both the Club in general as well as the Menehune Contest.

With regard to General Meetings, we simply have not been able to meet in a safe and responsible manner at any venue such as the Rec Center of VFW or even at a park. The parks and beaches are so packed almost every day, that even if we physically distance ourselves such meetings exposes us to the risk of contracting COVID, having the community view us as being as being irresponsible for having meetings and even legal repercussions if someone does get COVID.

Many organizations have had successful Zoom Meetings and the board agreed that we should give this a try as well. So, on Wednesday August 26th , we will have a Zoom Meeting beginning at 6:30PM. Details of the meeting will be on our website, no later than mid-week of this coming week and an email will also go out to all of you as well.

It will be good to see all of you especially the ones who perhaps, have chosen wisely, to stay away from the “Lot”.


A hearty congratulations to Windansea Surf Clubs newest members, Steve Sulloway and Phil Rajzman who combined, will be huge additions to both our comp and community service teams!

In closing

To say that this has been a really crazy year, rife with uncertainty and peril, would be the understatement of understatements. Schools closed and kids learning from the  safety of home, is in of itself a concept that I know is the right thing, but will be the cause of many parents, including me, and many kids, including mine to feel like we are stuck in a bad rip and possibly on  our way to drowning from insanity of it all! I think the only good thing to come out of “Learn From Home” is how much money we will all save on “Back to School” Shopping and learning how to Zoom!

Even going to Windansea feels like we’re visiting a parallel universe like Bizarro World or The Twilight Zone. This COVID summer has brought those to the beach who normally would never come. I guess none of us can blame them. Nonetheless even though it looks the same it just somehow feels radically different.

At least, thank God, we are still able to surf.

I know in my heart of hearts that we will prevail, we will all get through this crazy COVID thing and somehow be stronger and better for it.

I know this, because I know all of you, and not only are we are the best family in the world, we are the strongest, smartest, kindest and most adaptive Club on the planet!

Take care, be safe, stay in touch, be well and SURF!!

See you all on the 26th.



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