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Windansea Wahine Raising Funds for SurfAid

Hana McEvilly

Updated: Mar 8, 2020

Windansea mother-daughter duos Michele/Maddie Miller and Miranda/Kyra Joseph are joining forces to raise funds for SurfAid, a cause our club supports whole-heartedly. The SurfAid Cup will take place Saturday, September 8 at Surfrider Beach in Malibu, CA.

"Mothers and daughters - There is nothing more special than the relationship between the two. That’s why this year, we are fielding a team for the SurfAid Malibu Cup with Moms and their daughters to represent us and bring awareness to the women and children throughout the remote islands of Indonesia don’t have access to basic necessities like clean water and sanitation, resulting in hundreds falling ill and dying each year. There is no loss more terrifying than the life of your child.

SurfAid ventures into these rural areas and teaches the villagers how to filter water and maintain clean living areas, saving thousands of lives. The only way their mission is possible is with the support of caring and compassionate people. Please donate to our mother-daughter team, all donations are tax deductible and go directly to helping our brothers and sisters in Indonesia. Thank you so much."

Our team is: Indoteak Design

Link to the donation website:

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